Isn’t it bizarre how trivial conversations or moments can stick in your head? I often think back to such a moment in September 2019... Despite having promised to myself in 2013 that my life in academia was finally over, having qualified as a Registered Dietitian,...
Tom Hollis
Post By Tom
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13 realisations from 2 weeks of NOT running
(Because obviously, after a fortnight of injury, I am an expert on the subject…) For the first time in 10 years of running, I think I have an overtraining injury. Alternatively, it might just be something small and acute that I’m overreacting to (fingers crossed), but...
Keto diets in endurance exercise (part II)
I introduced the definitions and basic theory underpinning endurance athletes’ ketogenic diets (EAKD) in the first blog, but what happens when the theory is subjected to scientific research? A recently published systematic review (which by definition should...