Perhaps a little self-indulgent, but this year has been unforgettable for all the right and mostly wrong reasons, so here's my month-by-month recap. I'm lucky that running is a constant in my life, and something I can turn to on even the hardest of days, so I've based...
13 realisations from 2 weeks of NOT running
(Because obviously, after a fortnight of injury, I am an expert on the subject…) For the first time in 10 years of running, I think I have an overtraining injury. Alternatively, it might just be something small and acute that I’m overreacting to (fingers crossed), but...
Keto diets in endurance exercise (part II)
I introduced the definitions and basic theory underpinning endurance athletes’ ketogenic diets (EAKD) in the first blog, but what happens when the theory is subjected to scientific research? A recently published systematic review (which by definition should...
Ketogenic diets in endurance exercise (part I)
Ketogenic diets have been used as an established treatment for epilepsy (particularly among children) for many years, but more recently there's been a much broader interest in going 'keto', especially in certain dubious corners of social media. Most of the attention...
Running in 2020 / virtual races
So virtual races are now a thing, and they’ve certainly stirred up some strong opinions out there in the running community. Here are mine! (Apologies for the London bias of this piece) Overall, I think it’s a positive move. It’s all well and good using running for...
Dietary nitrates and endurance exercise – blog 3 and summary
Well done and thank you for getting this far - I know it's been stodgy and technical at times, but this third and final nitrates blog should tie it all together nicely. I’ve already covered the impact of exercise assessment type, athlete fitness level, dosage and...
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